Celebrating Pi Day isn't only for math classes - Senora Mathis & her Spanish class had fun reciting Pi in espanol today.

Whether enjoying nice temps outside or playing card games Mrs. Fischer's Math 3 & AP Calculus AB students had fun learning. Students figured out probability events from playing LCR & Crazy Eights , where her AP Calc students practiced volumes of revolution using chalk.

Our D228 shoe drive will be ending next week! You can drop off at any of our four D228 schools! See the flyer for more information.

Happy Monday OF Bengals!
Check out the fliers for some important info - Last Day to purchase Senior Grad yard signs; Last day to sign up for Snowball; & Transfer Exploration Night (virtual).
https://omella.com/8sm25 (link to purchase yard sign)

Thank you to OF World Language Club for ending Foreign Language Week w/a fun event for all Spanish classes. Students learned about foreign languages through student presentations & multiple activities.

Good Luck to our OF DECA State Qualifiers @ their competitions today and tomorrow.
We are so proud of all your accomplishments - Bengal Nation is cheering you on!!

Check out flyer for info.

Congrats to our Bengals winners for the Black History Month Art Contest!!
Amazing job on the art work!!

Our OF Jr Class leaders recently visited the Teen Bridge Ctr in Orland Pk for a leadership summit! Along w/peers from other schools they learned about valuable life skills through group activities & discussions. The day ended w/giving back to the community with a service project at The Bridge Thrift Store where the students sorted 138 bags of donations!
We are so proud of our Bengals as they exhibited their leadership & willingness to help others!

Snow flurries & cold temps outside didn't stop the OFHS Bengals 5K Fleadh Team from walking/running this past weekend - Great Job Team!! Also, thanks to @ofhsdeca for our shirts & sweatshirts!

Spring is right around the corner which means Spring Sports are here!! Check out the tryouts info for Softball, Baseball & Lacrosse.
Let's Go Bengals!!

3 Day Weekend Bengals - Enjoy!

Congrats to our OF Boys Wrestlers that stood on the podium this past weekend @ the IHSA Individual State Tournament!
Austin Perez 3rd in State
Jake Sebek 4th in State
Bengal Nation is proud of your successful season!

Congrats OF DECA for earning the prestigious 2025 DECA Gold Cert. in Retail/Food Operations! Your continued success doesn't go unnoticed - Congrats to your Presidential Pillars: Adri B., Evan G., Ethan R., Kendall W.!

A great visit for our OF students to Governors State University yesterday.

Celebrate your HS Senior w/a yard sign to celebrate their graduation. Order by March 10th.

***Calling all Dodgeball players***
There's a tournament this week - check out the flyer!

**Congrats to our Scholastic Bowl All-Conference Medalists**
2nd Place Varsity Team Finish
All Conf. - Ian Doll, Michael Manrique & Andrew Abraham
3rd Place Frosh/Soph Team Finish
All Conf. - Connor Fehil & Leviticus Bierlein
Bengal Nation is PROUD of your achievements!

*Calling all students interested in Engineering* Moraine Valley is offering an Engineering Info Session that will highlight their Assoc. of Engineering Science degree & transfer pathways to a 4-yr university. If interested please RSVP (more info on the flyer).