Our OF Jr Class leaders recently visited the Teen Bridge Ctr in Orland Pk for a leadership summit! Along w/peers from other schools they learned about valuable life skills through group activities & discussions. The day ended w/giving back to the community with a service project at The Bridge Thrift Store where the students sorted 138 bags of donations!
We are so proud of our Bengals as they exhibited their leadership & willingness to help others!

Snow flurries & cold temps outside didn't stop the OFHS Bengals 5K Fleadh Team from walking/running this past weekend - Great Job Team!! Also, thanks to @ofhsdeca for our shirts & sweatshirts!

Spring is right around the corner which means Spring Sports are here!! Check out the tryouts info for Softball, Baseball & Lacrosse.
Let's Go Bengals!!

3 Day Weekend Bengals - Enjoy!

Congrats to our OF Boys Wrestlers that stood on the podium this past weekend @ the IHSA Individual State Tournament!
Austin Perez 3rd in State
Jake Sebek 4th in State
Bengal Nation is proud of your successful season!

Congrats OF DECA for earning the prestigious 2025 DECA Gold Cert. in Retail/Food Operations! Your continued success doesn't go unnoticed - Congrats to your Presidential Pillars: Adri B., Evan G., Ethan R., Kendall W.!

A great visit for our OF students to Governors State University yesterday.

Celebrate your HS Senior w/a yard sign to celebrate their graduation. Order by March 10th.

***Calling all Dodgeball players***
There's a tournament this week - check out the flyer!

**Congrats to our Scholastic Bowl All-Conference Medalists**
2nd Place Varsity Team Finish
All Conf. - Ian Doll, Michael Manrique & Andrew Abraham
3rd Place Frosh/Soph Team Finish
All Conf. - Connor Fehil & Leviticus Bierlein
Bengal Nation is PROUD of your achievements!

*Calling all students interested in Engineering* Moraine Valley is offering an Engineering Info Session that will highlight their Assoc. of Engineering Science degree & transfer pathways to a 4-yr university. If interested please RSVP (more info on the flyer).


Turnabout Spirit Week ended w/a fun & crazy assembly today - Faculty vs Students!
Have a great time @ the dance tomorrow night!

A talent showcase & a free pancake breakfast?? YES PLEASE! Stop by Oak Forest HS Saturday morning to see your local Oak Forest talent. #TheBengalWay @cityofoakforest @OakForestRotary

Day 4 of Turnabout Spirit Week - FUNKY FRIDAY!! Bengals let's see your mismatched & funky clothes!

OFHS is hosting a Future Bengals basketball game between the Hille Huskies & the Hamlin Hawks tonight!! Stop by to cheer on the Future Bengals!!

Still need to find THAT dress? Love the Fine Arts & want to help support their scholarship fund? Check out the pop-up dress sale taking place @ Bremen HS.

Congrats to the OFHS JV Dance Team for placing 3rd in the JV Open Pom Category at IDTA State w/their HIGHEST score of the season!
You have made Bengal Nation SO PROUD!

For the 1st time in OFHS Varsity Dance Team history they competed against some of the most elite teams @danceteamunion Nationals in Orlando, FL & your OFHS Poms Team advanced to the FINALS w/their routine placing 19th in the nation out of 55 teams!

The next best thing to a hands-on experience is watching it live & that's just what Mrs. Magrames' & Mrs. Galloway's Human Anatomy students did this morning. They were among numerous high schools that took part in a live viewing of open heart surgery @ Christ Hospital.