Over 40 Bengals were represented at the United Ways April Food Day last week! Each year the OF Key Club & Diversity Club of Oak Forest help donate and organize food to be distributed to local food pantries for those in need. Thank you, Bengals! #TheBengalWay #Communityservice
10 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals helped at the United Way Food Drive! Thanks Bengals!
Bengals helped at the United Way Food Drive! Thanks Bengals!
Bengals helped at the United Way Food Drive! Thanks Bengals!
Bengals, make sure to support our Mental Health Awareness Week activities this week as we grow and thrive together! #TheBengalWay #MHW
10 months ago, Oak Forest High School
MHAW starts today!
If you didn't see Beauty and the Beast this weekend, you really missed out! We were delighted so many people came out to 'Be Our Guest!' The cast and crew put on a spectacular musical experience! Congratulations, cast of BATB! #TheBengalWay #OFfa
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Thanks for being our guest at Beauty and the Beast this weekend!
Beauty and the Beast starts tonight and runs through this weekend. Show times are tonight and tomorrow at 7pm and Sunday at 2pm. Tickets are $3 for students and $5 for adults and are available at the door. See you there! #TheBengalWay #OFfa @CityofOakForest
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Beauty and the Beast starts tonight!
Bring your child to work day has been a blast! We were so happy to welcome our special Bengal guests for a day full of games and fun! #beingyourchildtoworkday #TheBengalWay
11 months ago, Bremen High School D228
bring your child to work day
Bring your child to work day
Bring your child to work day
Bring your child to work day
Bring your child to work day
Bring your child to work day
Weather permitting, a lawn care treatment will be done at Oak Forest High School on Saturday April 27, 2024 by TrueGreen lawn service . They will be applying the following products on all ground areas except the Freshman baseball field. Shaw's Turf Food W/ 0.38 % Prodiamine Escalade 2 Herbicide
11 months ago, Bremen High School D228
Weather permitting, a lawn care treatment will be done at Oak Forest High School on Saturday April 27, 2024 by TrueGreen lawn service . They will be applying the following products on all ground areas except the Freshman baseball field.    Shaw's Turf Food W/ 0.38 % Prodiamine  Escalade 2 Herbicide
It's Mental Health Awareness Week next week, April 29-May 3! We are raising awareness of our mental health, Bengals! We're posting a schedule of dress-up days and there will be events each day you can participate in. #TheBengalWay #BengalshelpingBengals #MHW
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Keep going, keep growing with your mental health! Here is the mental health week schedule for next week!
Keep going, keep growing with your mental health! Here is the mental health week schedule for next week!
Beauty and the Beast starts tomorrow night! Don't be late as we know it will be a sell-out crowd! We'll see you at the OFHS Spring Musical, Beauty and the Beast @ 7pm! Tickets available at the door. #TheBengalWay #OFfa @CityofOakForest
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Beauty and the Beast starts tomorrow night!
Congrats to OFHS Intro to Culinary students Oscar, Edgar, Nick & Damare who took 1st place at the #D228 Culinary Competition recently! They made Birria Chicken Grilled Cheese paired with a Jicama Mango salad & it was so creative and so good! #TheBengalWay #mouthwatering
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Culinary students take district award!
Juniors are learning about planning for life after college today! Costs, scholarships, community college, trade schools, military and four year schools were discussed! #TheBengalWay #postsecondarylife
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
 Juniors are talking about post high school life today!
 Juniors are talking about post high school life today!
 Juniors are talking about post high school life today!
The AP Physics students are learning about mass by playing Topple in Mr. Hogan's Physics class! #TheBengalWay #APPhysics
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Learning about physics using the game Topple.
Ryan Lipsett has been going national with his mental health youth advocacy work for @CreativeVisions! During #MentalHealthWeek, we Bengals want you to know you're not alone and there's no stigma for getting help with your #mentalhealth. #TheBengalWay #MHW #BengalshelpingBengals
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Ryan Lipsett is making waves with mental health advocacy!
You have one week to brush up on your Beauty and the Beast songs before our Spring Musical starts on Fri. & Sat Apr. 26-7 at 7pm and Sun Apr. 28 at 2pm. Tickets are $3 for students and $5 for adults and available at the door! #TheBengalWay #Offa #BATB
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Spring Musical: Beauty and the Beast is next weekend!
Thanks to DECA students for working the Destiny Carnival! They hosted games and made cotton candy for our Destiny students and local students from around the community too! #TheBengalWay #Carnivalgames @CityofOakForest
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
DECA helped work the Destiny Carnival!
It's time for summer sports camps! Sign up on the 8 to 18 athletics site. Have a little fun over the summer, Bengals, and improve your athletics skills! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Join the athletic summer camps!
Join the athletic summer camps!
Come to the Benefit Pop Concert to support @Projectfirebuddies on Friday, May 3 @ 7 pm! Tickets are $5. We would LOVE to see you there! #TheBengalWay #Benefit #Popmusic #Offa
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to the benefit pop concert on Friday, May 3.
We're so happy our @OFHSDramatics cast of #BeautyandtheBeast was able to give a preview performance for the #StDamiansLancers yesterday! We hope you all enjoyed it! The musical is at OFHS on 4/26 & 4/27 at 7:00 and 4/28 at 2:00 pm. #TheBengalWay #Musical @Cityofoakforest
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Beauty and the Beast is coming up at OFHS on April 26-28!
Beauty and the Beast is coming up at OFHS on April 26-28!
Beauty and the Beast is coming up at OFHS on April 26-28!
Beauty and the Beast is coming up at OFHS on April 26-28!
Beauty and the Beast is coming up at OFHS on April 26-28!
It's a great day when you get to Yoga with Goats! Some of Mrs. Faulkner's students & some of Mrs. Mathis's yoga club students went on a goat yoga adventure last week. I'd say all of the parties had great fun! (That includes the goats.) #TheBengalWay #goat-yoga
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Goat yoga was fun!
Congrats to Jenna, Michael, Alexa, Bridget, Zoe, Olivia, Mariah, & Tanya who have won Honors level recognition for over 60 hrs of community service to our school and our community! We are lucky to have you working so hard on our behalf! #TheBengalWay @cityofoakforest #BengalPride
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
Congrats to Honors level community service winners!
The coolest thing that happened this week was when our March Attendance Madness winners got to cut off the net from the mini bball net to keep a part of the net and sign the backboard. What a fun game! We hope you'll play next year too! #TheBengalWay #Attendancematters
11 months ago, Oak Forest High School
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!
March Madness winners cut the net!