#HappyThanksgiving from our #ELClasses! They had a Thanksgiving potluck this week to learn about the Thanksgiving tradition & then enjoyed all of the homemade treats together as a class! For many students, this was the first Thanksgiving meal they ever shared! #TheBengalWay #Yum

Happy Thanksgiving Day, Bengals! As you pause to spend time with family and friends, we want you to know we are thankful for you! What are you thankful for? #TheBengalWay #attitudeofgratitude

From all of us here in Bremen High School District 228, have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Don't forget, no classes are in session today or tomorrow. Enjoy the long weekend!

Any way you slice it, our OFHS Faculty and Staff are the BEST! Enjoy the treats, and have a restful #ThanksgivingBreak with your family and friends! #TheBengalWay #BengalFam #Restup

Did you know Matthew helped produce the Regional #Emmys? Ask him about it! #TheBengalWay #BengalPride #Bengaltalent https://patch.com/illinois/oakforest/district-228-students-help-produce-65th-midwest-regional-emmy-awards

What??? Get a credit for having a job AND get out of school early to work? I'm signing up for one of our work programs: FCCLA, DECA, or BPA! Mrs.McSweeney & Mrs. Blair explained our options today! #TheBengalWay #Workprograms

It was such a pleasure to have the @Acafellaz and our friend Mayweather from ISU back at the OFHS campus to sing for students in our music program! Thanks for visiting! #TheBengalWay #acapella

Four Bremen High School District 228 Communication Arts and Technology students had the amazing opportunity to be part of the production crew for the live broadcast of the 65th Midwest Regional Emmy Awards show! Read more about this awesome opportunity and what our students had to say about it here: https://www.bhsd228.com/article/1349288

Congrats to our #TurkeyDay winners #2 and #3! We hope you enjoyed your prize for finding your Turkey! #TheBengalWay #GobbleGobble

At OFHS, on Wednesdays, we wear COLLEGE WEAR! So pull out your fav college wear and sport it every Wed through the end of the year! #TheBengalWay #Gocollege

It's the last day to sign up your team of 7-10 for the Turkey Bowl in the Bengal Stadium! Scan the QR code below to do so. #TheBengalWay #TurkeyBowl #Intramurals

Congrats to Ian who made the OF Patch with news of his Eagle Scout Rank! https://patch.com/illinois/oakforest/oak-forest-high-schools-ian-kuehl-earns-eagle-scout-status?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=share #TheBengalWay #BengalPride @cityofoakforest

Be sure to check out this upcoming Parent University Workshop at Bremen High School on December 12! The event will host Marianne Bithos, President of the National Alliance on Mental Illness for the South Suburbs. See the flyer below for additional information!

Mr. Slade's Project Lead the Way OFHS students went on a field trip to the #IBEW for a STEM Day this week! They got lots of hands-on experiences and ways to experience what it would be like to work with energy in the workplace! Thanks, #IBEW! #TheBengalWay

Bengals, sign up in the guidance for our Nov 28th workshop where seniors can get help completing college applications, creating an FSA ID, and finding scholarships. See your counselor for more info! #TheBengalWay #GuidanceDept #FinancialAid #Classof2024

Get your #FlagFootball team of 7-10 people ready and join us for the #TurkeyBowl on Nov. 21 at 5 pm at Bengal Stadium! Scan this QR code to sign up! It is sure to be a gobbling good time! #TheBengalWay #Intramurals

Mr. Hogan's Physics students checked out #TheBlueParadox 🌊 at @msichicago. What a cool exhibit for these HS students to explore & ponder how they can help to create a sustainable future & help our oceans stay free of plastic and waste! #TheBengalWay #thinkersgonnathink

Mark your calendar: OFHS STEM night is coming again! Don't miss this fun opportunity to participate in HS student-led science experiments! Special guests, prizes AND refreshments served! So join us on Nov. 28 from 4-6:30! Kids of all ages are welcome! #TheBengalWay #sciencerocks

Don't forget! It's #TurkeyTime today! You're gonna be wanting to look for a cute lil' turkey today! If you find it, bring it to the Dean's office to claim your prize! #TheBengalWay #gobblegobble

Scholarship season is here! The #CounselingDept. has created a Scholarship App #Do’s&Don’ts Checklist to make your search easier! You can find this & many other informational items on the Counseling Connection link housed under “For Students” on the OFHS website. #TheBengalWay #Scholarships #Gimmedamonay