Bengals, we are looking for some great guy poms! Guy poms are starting up again on 9/12! So bring your $10 sign-up fee for your shirt and get ready to learn the routine! #TheBengalWay #Hoco2023 #guypoms
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Guy poms are starting up again on 9/12!
Calling grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, & all far-flung relatives to come to @OFHS_Soccer's FAMILY NIGHT on 9/12 at Bengal Stadium! There will be halftime fun, & a ceremony to honor YOU, our players' families!! THANK YOU for your support! #Familyiseverything #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
It's family night at the OFHS Soccer game at Bengal Stadium on 9/12 at 6pm!
OFHS students were greeted with #positiveaffirmations today on the way into school! It was a nice way to enter back into school after the long Labor Day weekend! #TheBengalWay #positivethinking #Getonwiththesemester
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Positive affirmations on the way into OFHS today!
Tomorrow's Heroes Night at the @OFHS_Soccer game at 6pm & we want our 1st responders to join us to be honored! We're also raising money for the @Gotyour6 Recovery Fund for Alum Trooper Brian Frank, who was seriously injured in the line of duty. @Cityofoakforest #TheBengalway
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Heroes Night is Sept. 5 at 6pm at Bengal Stadium. If you're a first responder, join us so we can honor you!
Our "PAWSOME" office staff was the recipient of the #BengalPawsitivity recognition for all the hard work they did getting everyone ready for school and got to do the morning ROARRRRR! Do you see the new swag that ROAR-ers get to wear all day? #TheBengalWay #Roar
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The OFHS Secretaries got to do the Bengal Roar today!
OFHS is going "GOLD" for Pediatric Cancer Awareness in the month of September! Our OF Boy's XCountry team sported these gold armbands at their last meet to show their support for the cause! Thank you, @calsangels, for the armbands! #TheBengalWay #Cancerstinks
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OF XC wears gold armbands in support of Pediatric Cancer research!
We are so pleased to have so many awesome staff members to introduce to our community! Today we're introducing Social Work Intern Ms. Holman and one of our new paraprofessionals, Ms. Ellison. We're glad you're at OFHS! Welcome to the #BengalNation! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Staff Member Lillie Holman
OFHS New Staff Member Ms. Ellison
It's picture day tomorrow! You get your pictures in Gym class or during lunch. SMILE, BENGALS! #TheBengalWay @OFHSYearbook
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Picture day is tomorrow!
We are so pleased to have so many awesome staff members to introduce to our community! Today we're introducing FACS teacher Mrs. Hall and one of our new paraprofessionals, Mr. Rossborough. We're glad you're at OFHS! Welcome to the #BengalNation! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Mrs. Hall, new OFHS FACS teacher!
Mr. Rossborough, new OFHS paraprofessional
We had Brianna Stepek, Illinois's Miss Amazing, lead our walkout at the @OFHS_Soccer game last night. Brianna was there to promote Miss Amazing, a self-esteem movement for girls with disabilities so other girls can get the chance to feel like a princess at least once. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Miss Amazing, Brianna Stepek, leads the walkout at the OFHS Soccer game yesterday!
The Back to School @OFHS_Soccer game was a blast! We played fun games with the elementary school kids present, visited with Benny the Bengal, and, of course, played an awesome game of soccer vs. St. Rita in Bengal Stadium! #TheBengalWay #wishyouwerehere #FunwithBenny
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium was a blast!
Kids played games at the The Back to School Game!
Benny the Bengal was a feature at the Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium !
The OFHS Soccer team talks to  Coach Flores prior to the game.
The Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium was a blast!
The Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium was a blast!
The Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium was a blast!
The Back to School Game at OFHS Bengal Stadium was a blast!
Come to the @OFHS_Soccer #HeroesNight on 9/6 @ 6pm at #BengalStadium! We're honoring our #firstresponders & funds raised for this event will support the @GotYourSix Recovery Fund for OF Alum Trooper Brian Frank, who was seriously injured in the line of duty! @Cityofoakforest
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to the Heroes Night Soccer Game on 9/5 at 6pm!
September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month and OFHS is going GOLD at our games to bring awareness to this important cause. Our athletes will be wearing something gold on their uniforms & students and staff have the opportunity to buy special t-shirts for the GOLD-Out. #Joinus
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Pediatric Cancer Facts you need to know!
You can donate or purchase a gold tshirt for Cal's angels, a foundation raising money for pediatric cancer research.
We're continuing to introduce our new staff members to our school & community! Today, we're introducing you to social studies teacher Ms. Price and our new OFHS Security Professionals. We're glad you're at OFHS! Welcome to the #BengalNation! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Welcome to the #BengalNation, Shannon Price!
Welcome to OFHS, Officer Smith, Officer Kern, and Officer Moore!
Don't forget: Wednesday, August 30 is an SIP Day which means students are released at 11:45 am! See the class schedule in the graphic below. #TheBengalWay #SIP #Earlyrelease
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS SIP Bell Schedule
Mark your calendars for the Back to School @Ofhs_soccer game TOMORROW, on August 29 at 4:30, Bengals and #FutureBengals! We are celebrating the start of a new school year at the game and we want to pack out the stands with our fans and our elementary school friends from all of our local feeder schools! Come and join us! #Historyinthemaking @Hille_Huskies @stdamianlancers @KerkstraCougars @CCSD146Tweets @FosterLions #ArborParkSD145 #Bethere
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Back to school game on 8/29 at 4:30
Did you see the Bengals Football Preview that the BDTV228 did? If not, here it is: OF Bengals Talk 2023 Football Season #TheBengalWay #Seethefilm
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Our @Oakforestdance team is ready for this Friday night & the @OakForestFootb1 game in our Bengal Stadium vs. Sandburg! They have been practicing hard and are going to wow the crowd. Thank you for all of the hard work you have been putting in, team! @TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The OFHS Dance Team is ready for FOOTBALL!
The OFHS Dance Team is ready for FOOTBALL!
We're continuing to introduce our new staff members to our school & community! Today, we're introducing you to social studies teacher Ms. Jensen and OF Sp. Ed. Coordinator Mrs. Burgwald. We're glad you're at OFHS! Welcome to the Bengal Nation! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
New Staff member, social studies teacher Jessica Jensen.
New staff member, OF Special Ed Coordinator Jackie Burgwald.
Bremen HS D228 Sports Internship reporters are ready to bring you the best highlights of the 2023 season! BDTV 228 sports interns give us a look at Oak Forest's upcoming season. Check it out:
over 1 year ago, Bremen High School D228