Congratulations to our OFHS Baseball team who win the Regional Championship!!! Nice job, team! #TheBengalWay @OfhsAthletics # Regional Champions @Oakforestillinois
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
The OFHS Regional Championship baseball team.
VOTE OFTEN! OF's Nick Segreti is in the running for SB Live IL Athlete of the Wk and HE NEEDS YOUR VOTES. Scroll down to his name when you hit this link & you can vote for him NOW & 10, & 20 min from now: #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics @OFBaseball
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Did you know Nick Segreti is in the running for SB Live IL Athlete of the Wk? HE NEEDS YOUR VOTES. Vote as many times as you want! Scroll down to his name when you hit this link & you can vote for him NOW: #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics @OFBaseball
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Keeping with our faculty & staff theme this week, we have many faculty & staff members that have achieved #staffmilestones this year: they have worked 5, 10, or 20 years in @BHSD228! Congrats to you all! You are what makes OFHS a great school to work! #TheBengalWay #milestones
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Congratulations to 14 staff members who have achieve 5, 10, or 15 years of service to BHSD228!
Bengals, need to remember the Final Exam schedule? Here it is!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Final Exam Schedule for the end of year finals.
The OF Faculty & Staff had a treat from our Admin team today with a hot dog lunch cooked by our own Grillmaster Thormeyer! The Grillmaster put his hungry audience at ease with jokes and banter which was a fun way to end the year! #TheBengalWay #Franksforallyoudo #Dadjokes
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Jake Thormeyer, AKA the Grillmaster, grills up the hot dogs for the hungry Faculty and Staff.
Mr. Thormeyer and Mr. Byrne kid around at the grill!
Mr. Priestman and Mr. Slade select the best hot dog from the grilled hot dog plate to eat for lunch.
Mr. Gatton adds mustard, the one and true condiment, to his hot dog.
Mrs. Hellinga offers other faculty members THIS hot dog to eat as the best of the bunch!
If you're going to grill, you should grill in the shade. Right?
The coolest thing about OFHS is how we support our littlest Bengals! At the Lucky Fin Event, held yesterday, the @OFHSSoftball team hosted everyone in order to celebrate, educate, unite, and support those with limb differences! Everyone enjoyed the day, the band, the sun, the snacks, and the Black v. Gold wiffle ball game! The @oakforestcheer team, the uniquely dressed team, and the patriotically dressed softball team were all good sports. We expected nothing less! #TheBengalWay #BengalPride #LuckyFinProject
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Coach Nick Fuentes and his daughter, the reason why this event was even started.
The patriotically dressed softball team at the Lucky Fin event.
The Cheer Team at the Lucky Fin Event.
The epic wiffle ball Black V. Gold game.
Wiffle Ball is in baseball players’ blood and they proved it at the Lucky Fin event.
More softball team pictures at the Lucky Fin event!
Good manners after the wiffle ball game at the Lucky Fin event.
We had several #BengalReaders that received awards for their reading accomplishments this year! One won an award for reading 15/20 Lincoln books, & the others won a medallion for reading multiple #ReadforaLifetime Books! Congrats! #TheBengalWay #BengalsRead
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
OF Reading Awards for the Lincoln Challenge and for the Read for a Lifetime!
#C/O 2023, today is the magic day to reset your iPad according to the information that Mr. Boswell sent out! Contact the librarians by Thursday if you have a problem. #TheBengalWay #ipadreset
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Class of 2023 can reset their iPads today and have been sent directions in their email on how to do it!
The Bengal Bash is a fun way for students to be rewarded for their awesome behavior. We are so lucky to have so many terrific students at OFHS!
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Drone footage at the Bengal Bash.
The #BengalBash is always a vortex of sound and movement that it can be overwhelming to a casual observer! Not to us Bengals, though! OF Students jumped in and started having fun right away! What a cool incentive event put on by the Dean's Office! #TheBengalWay #DJForst
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
The crowd at the Bengal Bash chilling and listening to the music.
Mrs. O takes pictures to print for students later.
Students playing Spikeball at the Bengal Bash.
Students playing compete Frisbee at the Bengal Bash.
DJ Forst's helpers helping him spin the tunes.
Students playing bags at the Bengal Bash.
A student collects a Target Gift card!
The prize table at the Bengal Bash.
Did you know that OFHS is offering 34 athletic camps that youngsters and high school students can sign up for in the summer? You will want to sign up NOW so you can start planning your summer out! Go to the 8 to 18 page and you can register there! #TheBengalWay #OFHSAthletics
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Register today for one of the 34 Summer camp offering flyer! The website to register is here:
Good luck at @IHSAState Track, Mia! Run like the winddddddd! 🌪️ #TheBengalWay #BengalPride #StateTrackMeet
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Mia Nutile posing in front of a Bengal head logo.
Congrats to OFHS students in NHS, Interact and Tri-M who earned the Sapphire Award thru volunteering in our local community. We have 56 Nat'l Awardees, 32 Merit Awardees, 20 Honor Awardees, & 4 Ambassador Awardees who have volunteered. Thanks for your dedication! #GoBengals
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Oak Forest High School achieved the Sapphire Award for serving 4,347 hours  invested in our community's needs  in support of the UN Global Goals.
A listing of statistical results for OFHS student volunteers.
Did you see this story in the Patch? They got word of Mr. Moroz's retirement and wrote an article about his 50 years here at OFHS! Congratulations Mr. Moroz! Read the Patch story here: We will miss you! #TheBengalWay #OnceaBengalAlwaysaBengal
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
And another graduation ceremony is in the books! Congratulations, OFHS #Classof2023! We wish you the best of luck as you start your next adventure! #TheBengalWay #Bengalpride #Graduation2023
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Mr. John "Skip" Moroz is walking in his 50th graduation ceremony as a faculty member tonight! After teaching math to OFHS students for 50 years, we're sad to announce that Mr. Moroz is retiring this year! Join us in thanking him for a job well done! #Grad2023 #BengalPride
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Mr. Skip Moroz posing next to the art installation of a Bengal in the front foyer of OFHS.
Mr. Skip Moroz in front of a sign that says "Goodbye for now, Skip! Happy  Retirement! 50 Years!" and also shows pictures of Fighting Irish symbols and Cubbie symbols.
Did you know that you can watch all four high school graduations LIVE? Click the links below when your desired ceremony is set to begin! The ceremony will remain available to watch after it has concluded. We are so excited to celebrate our seniors on Tuesday and Wednesday! Bremen: Oak Forest: Tinley Park: Hillcrest:
almost 2 years ago, Bremen High School D228
We are happy and excited to introduce this year's Prom Court! Our 2023 Prom Court consisting of students Tristan, Steph, Maddie, Isa, Kevin, Tyler, Jack, Ryder, Katie, Matthew & (unphotographed) Lea & Amaya will reign over our Prom this year on Fri. May 12 at @DiNolfo's! That's less than two weeks away! So excited! #TheBengalWay #Prom2023 #PromCourt
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Our 2023 Prom Court poses in the Foyer of OFHS.
On this Star Wars Day, check out this article about one of the comedic forces & standouts behind our drama program: Joseph Horvath! Congrats to you, Joey! Read the article here in the Patch: . #TheBengalWay #BengalPride @Ofhsdramatics
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School