Can you believe we are just one month away from the start of the new school year!? Stay up-to-date with district news by downloading our app!
7 months ago, Bremen High School D228
BHSD228 app
School is just around the corner (less than 1 month) and there are 2 dates available for incoming freshmen to sign up for the Bengals Fresh Start (July 25th or August 1st). Sign up now to get a tour of your new school.
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Fresh Start
Calling all softball players K-9th grade....sign up for the OFHS Softball Summer Camp taught by current Bengal softball players and coaches. Register on the link in the flyer.
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
softball camp
Is video/content creation the awesomest thing for you? If so, you need to join the BHSD228TV camps they have going on this summer. Scan the QR code and REGISTER for it TODAY! #TheBengalWay
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Join one of our Film camps!
Join one of our Film camps!
District 228 is excited to announce that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication platform called ParentSquare. This platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our schools, while allowing parents to make choices on how and when they want to be contacted. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each student and parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified. We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about the platform, and download the mobile app. Visit us here:
7 months ago, Bremen High School D228
Parent Square
Whether you're an avid runner or want to try something new check out the Boys XC Running Camp - sign ups going on now!
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Boys XC Camp
Don't forget... registration is OPEN & should be completed by July 31st.
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
24-25 Registration
Attention Incoming Freshmen!! It's not too late to sign up for our Free Event - Bengals Fresh Start! Choose 1 of the 3 dates to see what Oak Forest High School is all about. #TheBengalWay #Classof2028
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
**BENGAL ATHLETES** OFHS is offering another sports physical clinic on Monday, July 29th. Time to get those sports physicals completed and turned in before school starts in August. #TheBengalWay See flyer for more info.
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Sports physicals
Registration is OPEN and should be completed by July 31st. Any questions call the main office. #TheBengalWay
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
24-25 Registration
Happy Independence Day! #4thofJuly
7 months ago, Bremen High School D228
Independence Day
Happy Independence Day Bengals! #4ofJuly #TheBengalWay
7 months ago, Oak Forest High School
#Classof2025, have you thought about your #collegeadmissionsessays? We have a special workshop for you Aug. 5-8 at OFHS that will teach you what you need to include in this important paper! Sign up now! #TheBengalWay #College #PPSDept
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
College essay writing workshop!
Calling all #Classof2028.....Don't forget to sign up for one of the three dates to tour your new school and see what Oak Forest HS has to offer. Can't wait to see you! #TheBengalWay
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Fresh Start
Calling All Class of 2028 students!! Don't forget to sign up for one of the Bengals Fresh Start dates . It's a perfect time to tour your new school & meet some of our exciting staff. This event is FREE! #TheBengalWay
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Fresh Start
Today's the perfect day to cross off that one item on your to-do list....2024-2025 Registration! Any questions please contact the main office. #TheBengalWay
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
24-25 registration
ATTENTION ALL INCOMING FRESHMAN TO OAK FOREST HS: Make sure to sign up for one of the following dates to get your chance to explore your new school & meet some of our exciting staff. This event is FREE! Can't wait to see you! #TheBengalWay
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Happy Juneteenth!
8 months ago, Bremen High School D228
No need to wait any longer - the 2024-2025 registration is now open! #TheBengalWay
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
24-25 Registration
So...incoming Freshmen, have you signed up for FRESHmen Start yet? It's FREE and you get your school iPad and a free class OF 2028 T-shirt! The dates are 7/18, 7/25 & 8/1 and they're all 9 am-12:30 pm. You'll want to make plans to be there! #TheBengalWay @Cityofoakforest
8 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Sign up for Bengals Fresh Start!