Mr. John "Skip" Moroz is walking in his 50th graduation ceremony as a faculty member tonight! After teaching math to OFHS students for 50 years, we're sad to announce that Mr. Moroz is retiring this year! Join us in thanking him for a job well done! #Grad2023 #BengalPride
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Mr. Skip Moroz posing next to the art installation of a Bengal in the front foyer of OFHS.
Mr. Skip Moroz in front of a sign that says "Goodbye for now, Skip! Happy  Retirement! 50 Years!" and also shows pictures of Fighting Irish symbols and Cubbie symbols.
Did you know that you can watch all four high school graduations LIVE? Click the links below when your desired ceremony is set to begin! The ceremony will remain available to watch after it has concluded. We are so excited to celebrate our seniors on Tuesday and Wednesday! Bremen: Oak Forest: Tinley Park: Hillcrest:
almost 2 years ago, Bremen High School D228
We are happy and excited to introduce this year's Prom Court! Our 2023 Prom Court consisting of students Tristan, Steph, Maddie, Isa, Kevin, Tyler, Jack, Ryder, Katie, Matthew & (unphotographed) Lea & Amaya will reign over our Prom this year on Fri. May 12 at @DiNolfo's! That's less than two weeks away! So excited! #TheBengalWay #Prom2023 #PromCourt
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Our 2023 Prom Court poses in the Foyer of OFHS.
On this Star Wars Day, check out this article about one of the comedic forces & standouts behind our drama program: Joseph Horvath! Congrats to you, Joey! Read the article here in the Patch: . #TheBengalWay #BengalPride @Ofhsdramatics
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
We have a NATIONAL WINNER amongst our midst, Bengals! Bella Hernandez went to California and placed 5th out of 67 students competing across the country in Intermediate Word Processing and 6th out of 52 students in Advanced Office Systems & Procedures. Be sure to congratulate Bella if you see her in the hallway for her amazing accomplishment! Nice job, Bella! #TheBengalWay #BengalPride @BPA #Californiadreamin
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
BPA National Winner Bella Hernandez brought back a 5th place national medal in Intermediate Word Processing!
National BPA 5th place winner Bella Hernandez winning her medal in California.
Congratulations to our talented OF BDTV students who submitted work to the South Suburban College Video Festival and came away with both 1st and 2nd places! Awesome job! We'll look for you next on live TV..✨#TheBengalWay #BengalPride @BDTV228 #competitionseason
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
SSC Video Festival PSA Second Place  Melanie Ochal
SSC Video Festival Live Multi Camera Production Second Place--Jeniri Campos-Avila, Lauryn Owens, and Aliyah Traywick
SSC Video festival comedy short film first place award winners--Christopher Perez, Aliyah Traywick, and Lauryn Owens
You've seen our Bengals on CBS News; here they are in action at the TP Convention Center yesterday, #AprilFoodDay! #OFKeyClub members were there to help unload food from cars into the TPCC in order to help our local community. #Awesome! #BengalPride #OakForestIllinois
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Key Club Members at the Tinley Park Convention Center on April Food Day.
OFHS Key Club Members unloading food from a white truck into the Tinley Park Convention Center.
OFHS Key Club Members unloading food items from a white car.
OFHS Key Club members unloading food items from a  white truck.
OF Key Club members removing food items from a black car into the Tinley Park Convention Center.
TONIGHT our Spring Musical, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, opens at Oak Forest High School! The show starts at 7:00 pm Friday and Saturday, April 28 and 29, and at 2:00 pm on Sunday, April 30th. Tickets are available at the door; however, if you'd like to purchase them ahead of time, you are welcome to purchase them using this link: . We'll see you here this weekend! @Ofhsdramatics @Ofhsteckcrew
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Poster Showtimes: April 28 & 29 at 7:00 pm and April 30 at 2:00 pm.
Bengals, Monday, May 1st is #DECISIONDAY! So #Classof2023, wear the college gear of the school you have chosen to attend next year! We want to see you proclaiming your college loud and proud! #TheBengalWay #collegechoices
almost 2 years ago, Oak Forest High School
May 1st: wear your college gear--Benny the Tiger with a graduation hat--It's decision day!
Bremen High School District 228 held its annual Bigger, Faster, Stronger competition at Tinley Park High School on Wednesday. A total of 100 students from Bremen, Tinley, Hillcrest, and Oak Forest qualified to compete against each other in weightlifting and endurance competitions, in the hopes of their school being named best overall. The overall winner for the 2022-23 school year is Tinley Park High School!
almost 2 years ago, Bremen High School D228
BFS Competition
BFS Competition
BFS Competition
BFS Competition
BFS Competition
BFS Competition
Whatcha doin' this Thursday? I know! Come to OFHS's very first OF STEM CAFE. We are going to be experimenting & having fun with science. Students of all ages are welcome to come from 5-7pm. #Stemfun #Scienceisfun #TheBengalWay #Comeforfoodstayforscience
almost 2 years ago, Bremen High School D228