Senior Lit Fest is live at OFHS! We are hosting OF Alum authors Bridget Morrissey and Ian Ryan today and celebrating literature in all forms! #TheBengalWay #BengalsRead
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
OF Lit Fest is live!
We are doing March Madness all over OFHS; this time Grilled Cheese style! Faculty judges rated the grilled cheese sandwiches and tried valiantly to pick a winner. Don't they all look good? #TheBengalWay #Grilledcheeseandtomatosoup
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Grilled cheese judging for cooking classes!
Grilled cheese judging for cooking classes!
Grilled cheese judging for cooking classes!
Grilled cheese judging for cooking classes!
We want to congratulate Princess Sofiyea for taking home the coveted Eleanor Ferraro Fine Arts Scholarship from the 50th Annual D228 Keith Anderson Fine Arts Festival held this past weekend! Our other feature photos are from our artists who won in several categories (though not necessarily shown in that order): Best of Show, Ceramics: Logan Birnbaum; Best of Show; Photography: Kayla Collins; Best of School: Inahmi Soto; Honorable Mention, Best of School: Andrea Huizar; Honorable Mention, Best of School: Gwen Nayman; Honorable Mention, Best of School: Addysen Jakubowicz; Honorable Mention, Best of School: Gwen Napier; and Honorable Mention, Best of School: Millie Redican. Nice job, Fine Arts Bengals! #TheBengalWay #BengalPride #OFfa
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Results from D228 Fine Arts Fest!
Deans Pluhar & Thormeyer and Dr. Boniface had the treat of reading to Ms. Wortel's 2nd-grade class at @KerkstraCougars recently! Looking forward to continuing to encourage our #FutureBengals to read! #TheBengalWay #BengalsRead
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Guest readers in Ms. Wortel's class at Kerkstra!
Guest readers in Ms. Wortel's class at Kerkstra!
Guest readers in Ms. Wortel's class at Kerkstra!
Guest readers in Ms. Wortel's class at Kerkstra!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back! After a COVID-19 hiatus, it's a pleasure to have the seniors back at OFHS again to hear our jazz band & VoSho Choir & the terrible joke stylings of our retiring Assoc. Principal, Dan Dunne! #TheBengalWay #Wemissedyou
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
The Senior Citizens Breakfast is back!
Don't forget to wear your crazy, mismatched socks tomorrow to support our fellow Down Syndrome Bengals on World Down Syndrome Day! We are PROUD to show our support! #TheBengalWay #worlddownsyndromeday
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday March 21!
Don't forget to attend the Classical Choir concert in the Cafe tonight at 7pm! You are going to be treated to some wonderful music! #TheBengalWay #offa @Ofhs_Choir
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Classical Choir Concert tonight at 7 in the cafe!
Congrats to the Hillcrest Hawks who won the1st ever #D228 Battle of the Books, MC'ed by Dr. Sikora! They competed against the Titans, the Braves and our Bengals to take home a really great trophy! Well done! #TheBengalWay #Bookbattle
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Battle of the Books at OF today!
Good luck to the cast of the Group Interp as they compete with their drama "Coraline" at the Group Interpretation Sectionals tomorrow on Saturday, March 16 at Richards HS. We're so proud of your perseverance and your hard work and we know it will pay off! #TheBengalWay #Offa
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Good luck at Sectionals, Group Interpretation!
Good luck at Sectionals, Group Interpretation!
Good luck at Sectionals, Group Interpretation!
Good luck at Sectionals, Group Interpretation!
It's World Down Syndrome Day on Thurs, March 21! And the way we show support to our fellow Down Syndome Bengals is to wear crazy socks! We are Proud of our Bengals and PROUD to show our support! #TheBengalWay #WorldDownSyndromeDay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
World Down Syndrome Day is Thurs, March 21!
Bengals, vote for your favorite teacher to get pied in the face AND help raise money for Julia's Legacy of Hope! See your teacher get pied in the face during our 8th-hour Spring Break Assembly! Voting is happening in the cafe through March 21st ! #TheBengalWay #Piefundraiser
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Pie Day fundraiser is live!
Congrats to OF Ecology Club members who went to the Northeastern IL Envirothon held at the Morton Arboretum today! Our Eco Bengals got to show off their knowledge & skills about the natural world around them in that academic competition environment! Well done! #TheBengalWay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Ecology Club went to the Envirothon at the Morton Arboreteum.
Everyone had a wonderful time at the #Iftar dinner last night at OFHS: community members, Bengal students, and diversity club members! Thanks for coming to celebrate at OFHS! #TheBengalWay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Iftar dinner at OFHS!
Iftar dinner at OFHS!
Iftar dinner at OFHS!
Iftar dinner at OFHS!
Oak Forest High School hosted its second annual community iftar event for Ramadan on Wednesday night! Thank you to all of the vendors who donated food for our students and families!
12 months ago, Bremen High School D228
community iftar
community iftar
community iftar
community iftar
community iftar
community iftar
Congrats to the 23 talented OFHS athletes who committed to play sports at the next level: in college! We are so proud of you all! #TheBengalWay #SigningDay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Our 23 signers today!
OF Sophs descended on the @TeenBridgeCenter yesterday to focus on a leadership & communication workshop. Then our Bengals helped with a service project: organizing items for the TBC thrift store! Thanks for helping out at the Teen Bridge Center, Sophs! #TheBengalWay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Sophomores helped out at the Teen Bridge Center today and learned about communication!
OFHS Sophomores helped out at the Teen Bridge Center today and learned about communication!
OFHS Sophomores helped out at the Teen Bridge Center today and learned about communication!
OFHS Sophomores helped out at the Teen Bridge Center today and learned about communication!
Do you know the difference between a tornado watch and a tornado warning? As seasonal storms are soon upon us, it's time to review! (PS. Neither of these alerts mean to watch the skies from your front porch!!) #TheBengalWay #tornadosafety #StaysafeBengals
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Tornado safety procedures!
Students in Mr. Matlon's Entrepreneurship Classes talked their audience's ears off today extolling the virtues of the company for which they picked to advocate for the Trade Show today! We have lots of great sales people at OFHS! #TheBengalWay #Salestalentunlocked
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
The Trade show was a big hit today at OFHS!
Congrrrrrrratulations to our new Varsity Club Officers! Varsity Club is a new club around OFHS and if you are interested in joining, please see Mrs. Haston for more information! #TheBengalWay #varsityclub
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Varsity Club Officers
Congratulations to the 5 OF students and 20 other BHSD#228 students who earned their ServSafe Manager Certification last week! This gets them their food safety license and is a great step in procuring a job in the food business! We're proud of you! #TheBengalWay
12 months ago, Oak Forest High School
Serv Safe License students from BHSD#228!