Congrats to Joseph Horvath and Kristian Padilla for winning a spot on the All-Conference Cast at the SSC Festival and to the rest of the cast of Coraline for a great job performing on Saturday! #TheBengalWay #offa

Did you see Mrs. Hausken's Soc/Psych classes doing their blind trust walk experiment this week? Some students were more trusting in their guides than others! #TheBengalWay #trustwalk

We are celebrating our #WorldLanguage classes in the library and learning about Palestine today on our World Language Activity day! #TheBengalWay #oneworld

Oak Forest High School celebrates #InternationalWomen'sDay and the hundreds of young women who walk our halls today, learning and growing into the strong, confident women of tomorrow! We are very proud of you and your many achievements! #TheBengalWay #Womansday

Did you see Ryan Lipsett on CBS today to talk about his @CreativeVision Mental Health Youth Advisory Committee appointment? If not, ✔️ this link out! #TheBengalWay #soproud Suburban teen helping raise mental health awa... https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/video/suburban-teen-helping-raise-mental-health-awareness-for-other-students/ via @CBSNews

Congrats, Ryan! We're so proud of you to be named to this prestigious National Mental Health Youth Advisory Committee! #TheBengalWay https://patch.com/illinois/oakforest/oak-forest-hs-junior-named-mental-health-youth-advisory-committee?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=share

Bengal Parents, our next eye-opening Parent University session is TONIGHT, March 6 from 6:45-8:00 pm called "Hidden in Plain Sight: Your Essential Guide for Understanding Teen Drug Trends." Everyone is welcome; no registration is required. We hope you'll come! #TheBengalWay

Congratulations to our new World Language National Honor Society students who were inducted last night into our esteemed organization. We are so proud of our students for their academic achievements! #TheBengalWay #WLNHS

OFHS is so lucky because our students regularly give back to our school and to our community! Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to others, Bengals! #TheBengalWay @cityofoakforest #Communityservice

Congrats to our BPA students who competed at the State Leadership Conf! We have a special Bengal congrats for Jocelyn who took 1st in Fund. Word Proc. & advances to the Nat'l Leadership Conf. May 10-14 & Monica, who placed 7th in Health Admin. Procedures! #TheBengalWay #BPA

Do you have what it takes to reign supreme in our March Madness Intramural Basketball Tournament? Get your team of 3-5 together and get ready to go up against Coach Cobbs & his best on Mar. 20! Limited spots available so sign up with Mrs. Hellinga TODAY! #TheBengalWay #3v3

Bengals, Pennies for Patients IS BAAAAA-AAACKKKK! Pennies are being collected in one of your classes starting Mar. 1 through March 20. Bring your change in and let's make a difference in people's lives! #TheBengalWay #PFP

Bengals, we have a published author in the house! Mrs. Poncin has written a book about her long COVID journey & you can find it on Amazon NOW! Congratulations to Mrs. Poncin for helping other long COVID sufferers know they are not alone! #TheBengalWay #Soproud

Congrats to students who showed art @South_Suburban Reg. HS Art Exhibit. We're excited to say we had 3 standouts: Emilio (Best in Exhibit with 3D art), Ryann (Best in School with oil painting), & Princess (Rehjolec Merit Award in Painting). @Copyright 2024 #TheBengalWay

Bengal Parents, our next eye-opening Parent University session is booked on March 6 from 6:45-8:00 pm called "Hidden in Plain Sight: Your Essential Guide for Understanding Teen Drug Trends." Everyone is welcome; no registration is required. We hope you'll come! #TheBengalWay

The Group Interpretation cast of "Coraline" hosted an in-school presentation of their show yesterday. What a great show selection audiences got to see! If you missed it, come out to support the #GI at TFSouth HS on Mar. 9, their next performance! #TheBengalWay #drama #competition

Don't forget: our FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST and talent show is tomorrow, Feb 24th from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm! Don't miss out! #TheBengalWay @cityofoakforest

@USAirForce Master Sgt. Dean & Staff Sgt. Thomas visited the auto shop at OF yesterday & brought with them a REAL jet engine from a T38 jet which is used as a fighter jet trainer. Students were able to ask questions and touch a real jet engine! How cool! #TheBengalWay #jetlife

Bengals: there's a Unity Club meeting after school Mon., Feb. 26th outside M2 at 3:15! Mark your calendars and we'll see you there! #TheBengalWay #hereforyou

Good luck at State today and tomorrow, BPA! Let's break through to Nationals! #TheBengalWay #BPA