We are celebrating El Día de los Muertos today, thanks to help from the World Language Club! They explained the cultural background and how we can celebrate! Students got to enjoy different activities that embraced something special about the day! #TheBengalWay #culturalheritage
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
OFHS celebrated el Dia De Los Muertos on Friday Nov. 3!
Seniors, you can order your #BIGPICTURE @: events.lifetouch.com. When you search, fill out Event Type, State, & School Name. You can also register to be notified when it becomes available! #TheBengalWay #classof2024 #milestones
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Order your BIG PICTURE today!
November 1 starts our new contest for the top three on-time classes for 2nd hour to win a donut party! So get to class on time and DONUT be late and soon you'll be enjoying a sweet treat! #TheBengalWay #Dadjokes #Contestisnojoke
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Attendance incentive is on for the month of November!
Thanks for helping raise awareness of cancer in the month of Oct! You came to our events, donated to raffles, & bought some treats to help us raise money, thank you! We appreciate YOU, Bengals! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Students went all out raising awareness for cancer during the month of October.
OFHS Students went all out raising awareness for cancer during the month of October.
OFHS Students went all out raising awareness for cancer during the month of October.
OFHS Students went all out raising awareness for cancer during the month of October.
OFHS Students went all out raising awareness for cancer during the month of October.
Students enjoyed our weird Halloween 1st snowfall today while modeling their cool & clever costumes. We had a lot of students wearing the character onesie, which will be super-useful when trick-or-treating tonight in the VERRRRY brisk weather! #TheBengalWay #Halloweenfun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
Halloween fun on a rare Halloween snowy day!
@Crumblcookie fundraiser for senior class starts today! For Spppoooooky good energy during trick-or-treating, check it out in the cafe! #TheBengal Way
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Crumble cookie fundraiser!
Congrats to '23 Alum Janae Kent who played her first exhibition game for @LSUwbkb. She was one of the five starters! Have a great year, Janae, and we're watching with #BengalPride! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Janae Kent started in her exhibition game with LSU last weekend.
We are so proud of our #APScholars! These students have worked hard and have achieved a 3 or higher on their AP Tests! Thanks also to the Counselors who have encouraged them so much! #TheBengalWay #excellence
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Great job AP scholars!
Great job AP scholars!
Great job AP scholars!
Great job AP scholars!
Great job AP scholars!
Great job AP scholars!
What do you want on Halloween but a little sumptin' sweet? Enjoy the Sr. Class Crumbl Cookie sale during lunches to give you that good ol' Trick-or-Treat energy! 2 minis for $5! What a deal! #TheBengalWay @Crumblcookies
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Crumbl cookies fundraiser on Halloween for Senior Class!
Everyone had a fun time at the Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair today at OFHS! We saw Benny the Bengal making the rounds, too! Thanks to all the community members, students, and teachers who came out to make this event a success! #TheBengalWay @cityofoakforest #TOT
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Everyone had a fun time at the OFHS Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair!
Here's a lil' holiday shopping hint: the Girls' Basketball team is selling some cool Bengal phone cases & cool stuff for a limited time! You can find that, other teams' gear, & our BENGAL GEAR Shop here: https://bremenhsdil.sites.thrillshare.com/o/ofhs/page/bengal-gear #jolly
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Want a phone case? Shop in the Bengal Gear Shop!
Finally, TOMORROW is the Day! It is OFHS's awesome Trunk-or-Treat and Activity Fair! There will be lots of fun (& candy) for the WHOLE family! So dress up in your favorite Halloween costume & come on out to OFHS on Sat., Oct. 28 from 9-12! #TheBengalWay @cityofOakForest #TOT
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to OFHS's Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair on October 28 from 9-12!
This week is #RedRibbonWeek! Tomorrow is our final dress up day and it is Bengal Gear day because our Bengals support a drug-free school! #TheBengalWay #Snowball
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals support a drug-free school!
We were thrilled when @CBSNews interviewed @APStudioArt teacher Dan Chambers and Senior Student Abbey H. about their experience working with the Memory Project. https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/oak-forest-high-school-art-students-portraits-colombian-children/ via @CBSchicago
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
This is #RedRibbonWeek! Tomorrow is Twin Day because we Bengals pair up to be Drug-free! #TheBengalWay #snowball
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals pair up to be drug-free!
Thanks to the #D228 Wellness committee who sponsored the Avocado Theory food truck for faculty and staff today! So excited about the wellness presentation today! #TheBengalWay #avocadowins
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Alum Dan Leitz explained organ donation to driver's ed students. Dan works in the @ILSecOfState Organ Donation office & he told us about the responsibility of signing up as an organ donor on your license, which 16-year-olds are now allowed to do! #TheBengalWay #Donatelife
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Dan Leitz from the secretary of state's office  talks to OFHS students about organ donation!
Dan Leitz from the secretary of state's office  talks to OFHS students about organ donation!
Dan Leitz from the secretary of state's office  talks to OFHS students about organ donation!
This week is #RedRibbonWeek! Tomorrow is College Gear Day because Bengals say YES to the future and NO to drugs! #TheBengalWay #Snowball.
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals say yes to the future and NO to drugs!
We are SO sad that we don't have any more home regular season football games. Did you know that at our last football game, we raised over $1600 for @ACS? Well done, Bengals! What are we going to do with our Friday nights now? #TheBengalWay #FridayNightLights #PinkOut
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
We had a blast at our last football game of the year!
We had a blast at our last football game of the year!
We had a blast at our last football game of the year!
We had a blast at our last football game of the year!
Don't forget: this weekend is OFHS's awesome Trunk-or-Treat and Activity Fair! There will be lots of fun (& candy) for the WHOLE family! So dress up in your favorite Halloween costume & come on out to OFHS on Sat., Oct. 28 from 9-12! #TheBengalWay @cityofOakForest #TOT
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to OFHS's Trunk or Treat on Oct, 28 from 9-12.