It's #RedRibbonWeek this week! Tomorrow is Wear Red day because Bengals are REaDy to live drug-free! #TheBengalWay #Snowball
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals are REaDy to live drug-free!
We don't mean to BRAG, but our @BengalBoysXC team won the Regional Championship this weekend, the first time since 2009! Congratulations, Bengals, for all of your hard work! #TheBengalWay #Runrunrun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Our Bengal Boys Cross Country team won our Regional Championship this weekend! Congrats, Team!
Our Bengal Boys Cross Country team won our Regional Championship this weekend! Congrats, Team!
Our Bengal Boys Cross Country team won our Regional Championship this weekend! Congrats, Team!
Our Bengal Boys Cross Country team won our Regional Championship this weekend! Congrats, Team!
Our Bengal Boys Cross Country team won our Regional Championship this weekend! Congrats, Team!
The Oak Forest Drama Group will be presenting Agatha Christie's suspenseful masterpiece, "And Then There Were None" on Nov. 3 &4 at 7pm and Nov. 5 at 2pm. Mark your calendars to be at this fun whodunnit! #TheBengalWay @ofhsdramatics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to OFHS's fall play, And then there were none, Nov. 3-5.
It's #RedRibbonWeek next week! So check out the #SpiritDays to go along with it! Tomorrow is Pajama Day because Bengals don't sleep on the dangers of drugs! #TheBengalWay #Snowball
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Bengals don't sleep on the dangers of drugs!
What a great @OFHSChoir concert last Wednesday night! They sang all of our favorites with our favorite sister choir, Tinley Park Choir too! It was an awesome night of musical excellence at OFHS! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
A great night of music at the OFHS and TPHS Choir Concerts!
A great night of music at the OFHS and TPHS Choir Concerts!
A great night of music at the OFHS and TPHS Choir Concerts!
A great night of music at the OFHS and TPHS Choir Concerts!
It's that time of year when all children think of Trick-or-Treating and dressing up in Halloween costumes! OF is hosting its fun Trunk-or-Treat and Activities fair this year again for everyone on October 28! Come out and join the fun! #TheBengalWay #TOT @cityofoakforest
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come to OF's Trunk or Treat and Activity Fair on October 28!
FCCLA, Child Care II, and Teach I students took CPR training class recently so that they will be prepared in case of an emergency! Our FACS Department teachers are trained to teach this important skill! Congratulations, Bengals! #TheBengalWay #usefultohavearound
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Students learned how to use CPR to save a person's life recently! Way to go, Bengals!
OFHS Students learned how to use CPR to save a person's life recently! Way to go, Bengals!
OFHS Students learned how to use CPR to save a person's life recently! Way to go, Bengals!
OFHS Students learned how to use CPR to save a person's life recently! Way to go, Bengals!
AP Art & Art Club students toured the @Artinstitutechi yesterday! They especially enjoyed the special exhibit of Varo and Kelly not to mention Caravaggio! They were quite inspired by all of the famous artwork they saw & the sculptures all around Millenium Park too! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
OFHS Art students toured the Chicago Art Institute yesterday and loved it!
Register for the "What's Next?" Parent/Student workshop that will help students plan for their futures! The workshop is on November 8 and you can register by scanning the app on the attached graphic. #TheBengalWay #Career #Futuretalk
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Register for the "What's Next?" Parent/Student workshop that will help students plan for their futures! The workshop is on November 6 and you can register by scanning the app on the attached graphic.
We had a great time at our Volleyball for the Cure night last night! One of the best things was the support by our friends at @Ozinga! #TheBengalWay #breastcancerawareness #cancerstinks
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
We had a great time in our volley for the cure game last night!
we had a great time in our volley for the cure night last night.
Spanish classes went to the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen early this week and toured all of the cool artwork displayed there! Then they headed to a local Mexican restaurant, where they ordered, en Español, & enjoyed fresh Mexican cuisine. #TheBengalWay @ExploreNMMA
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
Our OF students went to Pilsen to enjoy the National Museum of Mexican Art. Afterwards, they enjoyed great food in the Pilsen neighborhood!
OF's Alexandra Sebek is a Nationally Ranked Girls' Wrestler, at 105 pounds! Congrats, Alex! #TheBengalWay @OFHSWrestling @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Gym classes are working up a sweat today at OFHS; some in the weight room, some in the field house, and others in the gym! Some students were trying to raise their heart rate so their gym fitbits picked up their activity! #TheBengalWay #workout
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Gym classes is a fun way to blow off steam at OF!
Gym classes is a fun way to blow off steam at OF!
Gym classes is a fun way to blow off steam at OF!
Check out this amazing opportunity coming this Thursday!
over 1 year ago, Bremen High School D228
Fast track program to a career
It is Red Ribbon Week Next week, Oct. 23-27! So we are going to have a series of fun days in which we are going to say NO to drugs! #TheBengalWay #RedRibbonWeek
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
It's Red Ribbon Week next week!
Wed, Oct 18 is Wear Orange for Unity Day! No student should ever experience bullying because we are ALL a part of the #BengalNation! #TheBengalWay #Bullyfree
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Wear orange for Unity! Wednesday we wear orange to symbolize how OF students should never experience bullying!
Mr. Hogan's #Physics classes learned about Newton's laws by experimenting with motion in motion manipulatives and then they took data to draw conclusions to see which of Newton's laws each manipulative would fit in! #TheBengalWay #PhysicsFun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Mr. Hogan's Physics classes completed Newton's Laws experiments!
Mr. Hogan's Physics classes completed Newton's Laws experiments!
Mr. Hogan's Physics classes completed Newton's Laws experiments!
Congrats to four #Interact students who participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program last weekend in Lake Geneva. Chloe, Bridget, Tanya, & Sam learned how to lean on each other in leadership positions & how one has to trust each other too! #TheBengalWay #leadershipgoals
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
4 OFHS students participated in a Rotary Youth Leadership Program at Lake Geneva last weekend. They built valuable leadership skills there!
We Bengals aren't afraid of a little Friday the 13th! #TheBengalWay #Roar
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
We Bengals aren't afraid of Friday the 13th!
Mrs. Hellinga's Chem classes worked with #oobleck, the non-Newtonian fluid today! Newton said everything has to have a shape & today our OF students proved him wrong because this oobleck can go from a solid to a liquid, depending on how it is manipulated! #TheBengalWay #chemfun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Oobleck goes from a liquid to a solid state, depending on how you manipulate it. That's what our Chem students found today!
Oobleck goes from a liquid to a solid state, depending on how you manipulate it. That's what our Chem students found today!
Oobleck goes from a liquid to a solid state, depending on how you manipulate it. That's what our Chem students found today!
Oobleck goes from a liquid to a solid state, depending on how you manipulate it. That's what our Chem students found today!