Future Bengals, do you love basketball? The OFHS Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball program is offering a co-Ed basketball skills camp every Saturday in October! Sign up on our 8to18 athletic site! @KerkstraCougars @StDamianLancers #ArborParkMiddleSchool @HilleHuskies @FosterLions
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The OFHS  Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball program is offering a co-Ed skills camp every Saturday in October.
Did you sign up for the upcoming wellness vaccine clinic that will be held at all four of our district's high schools? Interested in getting your seasonal vaccines? Do you have a senior in high school who needs to get their meningitis vaccine before the mid October deadline? Well, Bremen High School District is teaming up with Jewel-Osco on October 5 and October 6 to host public community vaccination clinics! ALL are welcome to attend! Learn specifics about what is going to be offered, what time each school is hosting their clinic, and how to make your appointment by visiting our District website: https://www.bhsd228.com/article/1225911
over 1 year ago, Bremen High School D228
Community wellness clinic information
On our next #WellnessWednesday, we want to introduce you to people at our school who are here to help YOU, Bengals! So today, we are introducing you to our social workers! #TheBengalWay #schoolsocialworkers #mentalhealthmatters
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
This is our social work team!
Mrs. Hellinga and Mrs. Gatton's class had all the fun yesterday creating physical and chemical reactions by burning magnesium and exploding pop cans! Chemistry class is fun!! #TheBengalWay #chemicalreactions #scienceexperiment
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class!
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Chemical reaction science experiments in Chem class
Seniors, our first milestone of senior year is upon us! It's time for the Senior panoramic picture!! Put Oct. 12 3rd hour on your Google calendar! They'll give ordering information to you that day. #TheBengalWay #srpictures #smile
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
It’s Senior Panoramic picture time!
We have to tell you about the 2nd place SSC Conf. win of both the JV and Varsity OF Boys' Golf team! Congratulations, golfers! In addition, sophomore Nick Vasquez, who took the SSC JV Tournament Championship with a 1st place award! Congrats, Nick! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
The SSC Conference 2nd place golf team! Nice job, Bengals!
Tomorrow night is SPIKEBALL night in the Field House at 7 pm! Last week, we saw a huge crowd of Bengals who were up for having fun! Who's gonna be there this week? #TheBengalWay #newclub @Spikeball
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The inaugural meeting of SpikeBall club on Wed at 7 in the Field house.
The inaugural meeting of SpikeBall club on Wed at 7 in the Field house.
Bengals, TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! Our Fight Against Childhood Cancer @Ofhs_Soccer game is TONIGHT at 6pm! Raffles, games, and helping to raise money to fight pediatric cancer....It's a no-brainer. Go to the game and make a difference! #TheBengalWay #Cancerstinks @CityofOakForest
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
The Fight Against Childhood cancer night is TONIGHT at 6pm.
If you come ONE event in the month of Sept., it should be The Fight Against Childhood Cancer night that @OFHS_Soccer team is hosting tomorrow night at 6pm. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer; this is a chance to make a difference! #TheBengalWay #Cancerstinks
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Come join us on the Fight Against Childhood Cancer Night tomorrow at 6pm!
Our #Hoco23 weekend started with a bang! Of course, everyone was decked out in their #BlackandGold for #SpiritDay and we ended the day after the parade with our #HomecomingAssembly! On to the @OFHSFootb1 game and then the #Hoco23 dance! #TheBengalWay #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
A duck out of water? No, just Homecoming games!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
#Hoco23 activities!
Homecoming Royalty! This is a very nice group of Bengals! Congrats to you all! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Our #Hoco23 royalty!
It's our final #SpiritDay tomorrow! So let's make this count...it's Black and Gold day! Here's info on what's going on at school tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
It's Black and Gold day Friday for Spirit Days!
If it was Barbie vs. Oppenheimer, Barbie wins HANDS DOWN in today's #SpiritDay as there was a sea of pink at OFHS. Students and teachers alike showed their creativity! Enjoy some photos of Barbie Vs. Oppenheimer day! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
In Barbie vs. Oppenheimer Day, Barbie wins hands down from the sheer number of students and staff dressed up in bright pink!
Don't Forget: Homecoming Friday has a special schedule! We are attaching it here for your convenience! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #Homecomingparade #HomecomingAssembly
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Homecoming Friday has a different schedule!
DUUUUUUUDE! It was all surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach for today's #SpiritDay. Enjoy some pictures from today's fun day! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes It was surfer vibes today on the Beach #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
It was surfer vibes today as everyone dressed for the Beach on today's #SpiritDay!
Who loves a parade more than our Bengals? Get ready, because the #HomecomingParade is coming at you starting at 12:45pm on Friday! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun @RidgeECC @KerkstraCougars @StDamianLancers
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Homecoming Parade Info for Friday's Homecoming Parade.
We can't wait to see what you come up with on Thursday for #SpiritDays! It's Barbie vs. Oppenheimer! Here is info on all the things going on at OFHS tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Thurs Spirit Day Theme: Barbie vs. Oppenheimer!
Bengals, if you are bringing a guest to #Hoco2023, don't forget to fill out the Dance Guest request form! #TheBengalWay #Dothepaperwork
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Hoco 23--Fill out attached dance guest form if you're bringing someone from outside of our school.
Fill out this Dance guest request form!
Congrats to our @OFHSBoysxc team members Colin and Levi, the runners of the week! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Runners of the week for OFHSBoysxc!
Runners of the week for OFHSBoysxc!
Hey DUDES! It's surfer vibes on Wednesday for #SpiritDays! Here's info on all the things going on at OFHS tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Wednesday Homecoming happenings! Spirit day is Beach Day!