Bengals, if you are bringing a guest to #Hoco2023, don't forget to fill out the Dance Guest request form! #TheBengalWay #Dothepaperwork
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Hoco 23--Fill out attached dance guest form if you're bringing someone from outside of our school.
Fill out this Dance guest request form!
Congrats to our @OFHSBoysxc team members Colin and Levi, the runners of the week! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Runners of the week for OFHSBoysxc!
Runners of the week for OFHSBoysxc!
Hey DUDES! It's surfer vibes on Wednesday for #SpiritDays! Here's info on all the things going on at OFHS tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Wednesday Homecoming happenings! Spirit day is Beach Day!
Shall we set a tee time? We had a LOT of golfers walking around in the OFHS hallways! Enjoy these pictures from today's "Let's Golf" #SpiritDay theme! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Everyone enjoyed the "Let's Golf" Spirit day theme!
Hey Bengals, wanna go to Homecoming on Sept.23? Check out the #HOCO2023 information in 5-star to purchase your tickets. Tickets are $30/person and the dance is from 6-9pm. #TheBengalWay #Hoco2023 #Danceparty
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
#HOCO tix are for sale now!
Bengals, we are looking for some great guy poms! Guy poms practice is happening again this week, 9/19 and 9/21 at 7pm in the cafe! If you haven't signed up, bring your $10 sign-up fee for your shirt and get ready to learn the routine! #TheBengalWay #Hoco2023 #guypoms
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Guy poms are back!
The first Unity Club Meeting will be held Wed after school in M2! Be an ally--be the change! #TheBengalWay
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Unity Club meeting this Wed in M2 after school.
I think our faculty is having JUST as much fun as our students on our Heroes vs. Villains #SpiritDay. Can you guess what movie this scene is from? #TheBengalWay #vintagevillainy #heroicunderdog #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Heroes vs. Villains spirit day faculty fun!
And just like that, our @bengalboysxc won the TF North XC Invite last Saturday! If you see a XC runner, make sure to congratulate them on a job well done! #TheBengalWay @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Way to go, OFXC won the TF North XC invitational!
We are going to have fun on Tuesday for #SpiritDays! Here is info on all the things going on at OFHS tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Homecoming Day 2 information!
Holy capes, Batman! Everyone got into the Heroes v. Villains #SpiritDay, our first one of the week! It looks like heroes took the day! Enjoy some pictures of our caped crusaders or villains! #TheBengalWay #Hoco23 #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
Holy Caped Crusaders! Students got into the spirit of our Heroes v. Villains Spirit Day.
It's #Hoco23 week at OF and we're doing all the things! Here's a quick look at what's happening on Monday! #TheBengalWay #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
#Hoco23 Day 1 Spirit Day info!
There are so many things going on this #HOCO23 wk that we wanted to give you a graphic of all the activities so you can plan on being a part of all of them! Bengals, you can earn pts. for your class by dressing the theme & attending the events! #TheBengalWay #SpiritWeek #havefun
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Homecoming week events!
Don't forget that TOMORROW starts #SpiritDays for #Hoco2023! Don't forget to dress in your heroic best or your villainous worst for tomorrow! (Don't worry, your secret identities are safe with us! #TheBengalWay #herovsvillain
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Dress up days for Spirit week are always the most fun in September!
#StartwithHello week was awesome! Mostly because it helped to remind us that no one is alone in the #BengalNation! Enjoy some pictures from the week! #TheBengalWay #Wearenotalone
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Start with Hello week was a huge success!
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Start with Hello week was a huge success
Bengals, we're giving you a whole weekend head's up to plan out your Homecoming outfits for spirit days! Which class is going to have the most spirit and the most students participating? We'll find out! #TheBengalWay #Hoco2023 #SpiritDays
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Hoco 2023 Spirit Days are always fun!
Hey Bengals, don't forget to purchase your tickets for the Homecoming Dance! Check out the #HOCO2023 information in 5-star to purchase your tickets. Tickets are $30/person and the dance is from 6-9pm. #TheBengalWay #Hoco2023 #Danceparty
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Buy your #HOCO23 tickets now!
We will remind you each day of the theme of #StartwithHello day! Tomorrow is Tie Dye Day! We're going to color the world with kindness tomorrow! #TheBengalWay #StartwithHello
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Color the world in Kindness with your Tie Dye on Start with Hello week!
What a great write-up on our Football Captain, Nathaniel Henderson! You will definitely want to read this Southtown article: Congratulations on all of your hard work, Nathaniel! #TheBengalWay @OakForestFootball @OFHSAthletics
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
Nathaniel Henderson is the hard working soul of the OFHS Football team!
We will remind you each day of the theme of #StartwithHello day! Tomorrow is Camo Day! No one is invisible in the Bengal Nation! #TheBengalWay #StartwithHello
over 1 year ago, Oak Forest High School
No one is invisible in Bengal Nation!